Photo contest
Frame magazine cover photographer you can Design how your photo looks on cover too
Theme: Free
- Be creative and unique
- Keep the quality as high as you can
- Be expressive
- Composition is the key, It does not matter its a landscape or a street photo or any other genre
- Try more than one photo to increas your chance
- Performing advanced photography techniques in the best possible way
Entry fee: (Free for new Members)
40 fotoup credits >>> early submit until 10 Feb
60 fotoup credits >>> late entry
How to submit your photographs:1. Make an acount in fotoup if your are not already a member
2. Submit your photos and make your fotoup profile
3. Submit your photos to the frame photo contest from your profile page with provided links
4. Make sure to submit the designed cover version on fotoup facebook page and fotoup group
Download the materials Here >>> Download Link
Frame magazine cover photographer you can Design how your photo looks on cover too
Theme: Free
- Be creative and unique
- Keep the quality as high as you can
- Be expressive
- Composition is the key, It does not matter its a landscape or a street photo or any other genre
- Try more than one photo to increas your chance
- Performing advanced photography techniques in the best possible way
Entry fee: (Free for new Members)
40 fotoup credits >>> early submit until 10 Feb
60 fotoup credits >>> late entry
How to submit your photographs:1. Make an acount in fotoup if your are not already a member
2. Submit your photos and make your fotoup profile
3. Submit your photos to the frame photo contest from your profile page with provided links
4. Make sure to submit the designed cover version on fotoup facebook page and fotoup group
Download the materials Here >>> Download Link