networking and microblogging service that enables online users to send and read text-based messages to 140 characters, which is also known as tweets (tweet).

Twitter was founded in Maret 2006 by a man named Jack Dorsey, and the social networking site launched in July. Since its launch, Twitter has become one of the top ten most visited sites on the Internet, and was dubbed the "short messages from the Internet.

On Twitter, users are not registered can only read tweets, while registered users can posting tweets through the website interface, short messages (SMS), or through a variety of applications for mobile devices.

A brief explanation of this twitter, next to the discussion of learning corel draw I try to create a unique logo twitter corel draw using softwar. Consider steps to make the logo twitter.

                                                Learning Corel Draw Makes Logo
                                            Belajar Corel Draw

Make a circle with the Ellipse Tool ( F7 )

Then give color gradation by using the Fountain Fill Dialog ( F11 ) . I used shades of dark blue and light blue , maybe you can try for other colors .

Learning Corel Draw

Furthermore Duplicate the circle with a smaller size and change color with the color white . Then use the Interactive Transparency Tool.

Duplicate the circle back and adjust the size and position as shown below . Do not forget to change the setting Interactive Transparency Tool.

To make a duplicate back his circular object , make changes so that the form looks oval , put the object is an object under the first circle by pressing Shift + Page Down . In my gradient anggle content with the number 90 .

Next we create fur on the head using Bezier tool by click and drag .

To make the wings are still using Bezier Tool, click and drag to form as shown below . Set gradient angle with the number 150 . Then duplicate the object is sliding position and use the Interactive Transparency Tool.

Then duplicate and do mirror to put on adjacent sections . Now we make the eyes .

make a circle with the same color as the previous gradient using dark blue and light , then duplicate it and fill it with white color and then adjust it's transparency

then create a circular object with black

duplicate objects circle back and fill with white , and set it's transparency

duplicate objects circle back and fill with white , and set it's transparency

Once completed , the entire object duplicate the eye and place the part next to it , as shown in the figure below.

We continue to make the beak of a bird .

1.Use Polygon Tool ( Y )

2.Change the polygon with the Shape Tool

3.Fill colors with Fountain Fill

Furthermore, given gradation beak.

1.Part Duplicate and reduce the size and fill with white

2.Give Transparency as shown in no.2

3.Duplicate back half and fill with white

4.Give Transparency as shown in no.4

To make the legs , we stayed half duplicate any object and set its position as shown below .

Done Learning corel draw this time . Now you can create your own logo twitter with your imagination .
Belajar Corel Draw

This information Learning Corel Draw Creating Unique Logo Twitter , may be helpful information for you . If you have questions regarding Tutorial Learning Corel Draw above , you can contact us at the contact menu on this website . Thank you for visiting lectures and read all about the design .

Learning Corel Draw Creating a Unique Twitter Logo